12 Little Things That Reveal a Lot About Your Personality

12 Little Things That Reveal a Lot About Your Personality

You can often find a lot of information about a person just by looking at their desk. Here are eight little things that reveal a lot about your personality.

Getting to know someone isn't always easy. If you think you know who they are, they entirely reveal themselves to be someone else. The person you're trying to read may also be trying to read. 

If you're curious to know what other people think of you, paying attention to the little things you do that reveal a lot about your personality is an excellent place to start. Here are 12 little things that can tell a lot about your personality


Your handshake

Believe it or not, your handshake can say a lot about you. Do you have a firm handshake or a weak one? Do you make eye contact when you shake someone's hand? If your handshake says a lot about your confidence level and how you feel about yourself, for example, if you have a firm handshake, people will see you as confident and sure of yourself.

Two things: If you don't like what your handshake is saying about you. People will see you as shy or unsure if you have a weak handshake. This is something you can easily change.


The way you argue

You get defensive when someone disagrees with you. Do you see arguing as a way to connect with people or push them away? How you argue says a lot about handling stress and conflict. For example, if you're the type of person who gets defensive when someone disagrees with you, people will see you as someone who's not open to new ideas and is quick to anger.

On the other hand, if you're the type of person who sees arguing as a way to connect with people, people will see you as someone confident and not afraid to voice their opinion. 


The clothes you wear

Do you like to stand out or blend in? Do you dress to impress or dress to feel comfortable? The clothes you wear say a lot about your self-esteem and how you see yourself. For example, if you're the type of person who dresses to impress, people will see you as someone who is confident and likes to be the center of attention. On the other hand, if you're the type of person who dresses to feel comfortable, people will see you as someone more down-to-earth and relaxed.

There's no right or wrong answer here; it's just a matter of what you're comfortable with. For some people, wearing clothes that stand out is a way to express their personality, while for others, it's a way to hide their true selves. 


The way you treat service staff.

Suppose you're the type of person who is rude or impatient with service staff. In that case, people will perceive you as arrogant and entitled, whereas if you're patient and understanding with service staff, people will perceive you as kind and compassionate. Of course, no one should be treated poorly regardless of their job, but it's interesting to see how our treatment of others can reveal a lot about ourselves.


How often do you check your phone?

Studies have shown that people constantly checking their phones are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. They see their phones as a way to escape from their problems. On the other hand, people who don't check their phones as often are more likely to be content with their lives and are less likely to suffer from mental health issues.

Before you feel bad about yourself being addicted to your phone, remember that it's not necessarily bad. It's only a problem if it's negatively impacting your life. If you find that you're using your phone to escape your problems, it might be time to put the phone down and try to deal with your issues.


Your posture and the way of you walk.

Do you walk with your head held high or slouching, and do you walk quickly or slowly? The way you carry yourself says a lot about how others perceive you. If you walk with your head held high and shoulders back, others will see you as confident. If you slouch or walk quickly, it may give the impression that you are nervous or in a hurry. On the other hand, how you walk can also indicate your mood. For example, if you strut, it may show that you're feeling good about yourself.

On the other hand, if you shuffle your feet or drag them, it may be a sign that you're feeling down. Walking can also reveal things about your personality, such as whether you're shy or outgoing. The next time you're out walking, pay attention to how you carry yourself and see if it matches your personality. You might be surprised at what you find.


Your shoes

Did you know that your shoes can say a lot about your personality? It's true. There are three main types of shoes. Sports show people who wear sports shoes are usually energetic and enjoy being active; they are goal-oriented and like challenges. Themselves. High-heeled bootsThe person who prefers to wear high-heeled boots will always be the one to take charge; they are quick on their feet and capable of making rational decisions.

People who wear flat shoes are typically down-to-earth and rational. They're the type of person you can always rely on in a crisis. They are also usually good listeners. So what kind of shoes do you wear? Do they match up with your personality? Let us know in the comments below. 


Your social media presence

Did you know that your social media presence can reveal your personality? Do you use social media a lot or hardly at all? What types of things do you post about? Research shows that social media users tend to seek validation from others. They post about their lives to get the approval of others. They also tend to be more anxious and fear missing out.

On the other hand, people who don't use social media much tend to be more content with their lives. They use it to stay in touch with friends and family, but they don't feel the need to post about every little detail of their lives. They're not as worried about what others think of them and are more likely to live in the moment.


Your handwriting 

In psychology, handwriting is known as graphology. It is the study of handwriting, and it can be used to reveal a lot about your personality. For example, people with messy handwriting are usually creative and have difficulty concentrating on one task at a time.

People with meaty handwriting are usually more organized and detail-oriented. If you want to learn more about what your writing says about you, plenty of resources online can help you. Just do a quick search and see what you find.


The way you speak.

Do you talk quickly or slowly? Loudly or softly. How about your tone of voice? For example, the way you speak can reveal a lot about your personality. People who gossip are usually energetic and enthusiastic. People who talk slowly are usually more thoughtful and reflective. People who speak loudly tend to be more extroverted, while people who speak softly are traditionally more introverted.

People with high-pitched voices are usually more cheerful, while people with low-pitched voices are generally more severe. If you are someone who speaks with a deep voice, you are likely to be a natural leader. People with deep voices are usually seen as more trustworthy and competent.


Your smile

There are two types of smiles: genuine and fake. AA simple smile is when the muscles around your eyes contract and your cheeks lift. This type of smile is usually associated with positive emotions like happiness, love, and joy. A fake smile is when you move your mouth without involving the muscles around your eyes. Research shows that people can usually tell the difference.

This type of smile is usually associated with negative emotions like sadness, anger, and fear—People who show fake smiles more. Genuine smiles are generally high in self-consciousness. On the other hand, people who show genuine smiles more often than fake ones tend to be less self-conscious and more confident in their abilities.


The way you sit can reveal a lot about yourself.

For example, people who sit with their legs crossed are usually more reserved and shy. People who sit with their arms crossed are traditionally more closed off and guarded. People who slouch when they sit are traditionally less confident and secure in themselves, and people who sit upright are usually more confident and self-assured.

As you can see, many little things can reveal a lot about your personality, and some of them might surprise you, so the next time you want to get to know someone better, take a closer look at the little things they do and see what you can learn about them. You might be surprised by what you find. Do you agree with the items on this list? Is there anything else you would add? We are always happy to hear your thoughts, so kindly share them in the comments below. 



If you want to know more about someone, pay attention to the little things they do that reveal a lot about their personality. It's interesting to see how our treatment of others can tell a lot about ourselves. Pay attention to how you carry yourself and see if it matches your personality.

Walking can also reveal things about your personality, such as whether you're shy or outgoing. People who wear high-heeled boots are usually quick on their feet and capable of making rational decisions.

People who wear flat shoes are typically down-to-earth and rational. Your social media presence and the way you speak can also reveal a lot about your personality.

Mollie Bolton

It's a cat you're looking at here. 'I don't think you do either!' And the moral of that dimly lit corridor, which was right in front of her, was: