3 Weird Tricks to Get a Better Jawline

3 Weird Tricks to Get a Better Jawline

If you want to have a better jawline, as in a chiseled jawline, you need to understand a few crucial jawline exercises.

Today we're going to learn about three weird tricks to get a better jawline. Let's begin. 

Number one:

The first things people notice about you are your hands, clothes, and hair. More often than not, their eyes are drawn directly to your face. They see your cheeks, your mouth, and your forehead. They see your bone structure and the little dimple on your chin. According to a 2011 study published by the Royal Society of Biological Science, your facial features overpower almost every kind of physical attraction. Facial features also heavily influence emotional intimacy and chemistry. 
In other words, your face plays a bigger role in your love life than you realize. Many people resign themselves to a look they're not happy with. They tell themselves that their appearance is set in stone and decided since birth. They think you're either attractive or not, but that's not necessarily true. Some physical features you can't change, like your height, but others are shaped by your environment, your habits, and your lifestyle. 
Your appearance is influenced by the kind of life you live. It's a combination of your genes and your environment. So what does that mean for you? If you're not happy with the way you look, you don't have to look that way forever. You have the power to make a change. Several studies have found that the jawline is a great place to start. A 2011 study found that a sharper, more defined jawline is a very attractive feature, especially in men. Another study published in 2018 by the journal Frontiers in Psychology discovered that a larger jawline is the most masculine facial feature a man can have. 
Just take a look at the best-looking male actors in the world today and think about pop culture icons like Superman, Iron Man, and Captain America. When you imagine these masculine heroes, do you envision a strong chiseled jawline? Throughout human history, we've associated a strong jawline with health, strength, and masculinity, so it's no coincidence.
But what if you don't have a strong jawline? Hmm, can you change the shape of your face? These three strange tricks will help you do exactly that. Where does the sharpness in your jaw come from? Most people think the jawline is defined by the jaw bone, but it's the muscles around your jaw that connect to the mouth, neck, and cheeks that shape the bottom half of your face. If you want to improve your jawline, you have to target these muscles directly. 
Just imagine for a moment that you wanted to build up your arms. You'd start by hitting the gym right. You'd build your arms using targeted exercises that grow your muscles over time. The muscles around your jawline work the same way. To change the shape of your jawline, you have to do exercises that challenge the right muscles. In this section, we're going to walk through two specific exercises that target your mouth and jaw together. These techniques train every muscle that influences the shape of your jawline. If you practice both of these exercises for just a few weeks, you may notice a gigantic difference. 
The first exercise is tongue tension. Begin by sitting somewhere comfortable. You can lie on your bed, sit on your couch, or even sit on the floor. The exercise itself begins with your tongue. Pretend you're holding a piece of candy on the end of your tongue. Now push that imaginary piece of candy up to the roof of your mouth. 
Place it right behind your teeth and just hold it there. The second exercise is called "long vowels." While tongue tension focuses on your jaw, long vowels highlight a different set of muscles. Instead of using your tongue, you're going to make exaggerated movements with your mouth which expand and contract the muscles below and beside your lips. Just like last time, find somewhere comfortable to sit. Then take a moment to relax your face. Make sure you release the tension in your mouth and jaw before you get started. Make a long o sound, as in over or snow. To make this sound, close your lips around your teeth in a small oval and push your jaw downward to elongate your face. 
Now try to exaggerate this vowel shape as much as you can. Bring your jaw back, your lips up and out, and your teeth forward while forming this vowel. Make sure your mouth stays open again. Hold it for three seconds, then alternate back to a lunge. Oh, switch back and forth about ten times for each set, similar to tongue tension. You want to practice these long vowels twice a day, one set in the morning and one set in the evening. If you're short on time, you can incorporate both of these exercises into your daily routine. For example, you could practice tongue tension while answering emails or long vowels on your drive to work. It doesn't matter where you do them; what matters is consistency. If you're consistent, you'll notice your jawline changing before you know it.

Number two: 

The power of chewing gum This is the easiest and sweetest technique on this list. If you want to improve your jawline, chewing gum can make a huge difference. Most people don't realize how much strain chewing puts on your jaw. Repetitive chewing exercises the muscles around your mouth and jaw. Addictive gum chewers chew all day long, so their jaw muscles are much stronger than the average person's. According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, chewing gum significantly increases jaw strength. 
Five minutes of chewing gum can improve the shape of your face, but what if you're looking for something stronger? Some people use a substance called mastic gum, which is made from tree sap in the Mediterranean. Mastic gum is around ten times harder to chew than regular gum in the same way that lifting heavier weights builds more definition. Chewing harder gum poses a greater challenge for your jaw muscles than regular chewing gum. If you prefer regular chewing gum, remember that gum isn't always the healthiest for your teeth. Many gum chewers don't realize exactly how much sugar they're ingesting daily. Luckily, there are plenty of sugar-free alternatives available. That way, you can refine your jawline without damaging your teeth. 

Number three:

Expression exercises Have you ever heard this saying? It takes 20 muscles to frown but only 10 muscles to smile. The message stands, but the numbers seem to change every time you hear it. Some scientists say it takes 26 muscles to smile and 62 muscles to frown. Others calculate those numbers as much lower for this technique. The exact number of muscles matters. The simple fact is that facial expressions like smiles and frowns exercise the underdeveloped muscles in your jaw. Each one creates tension around your mouth, your cheeks, your lips, and your neck. So whether you're laughing, crying, or yelling, larger expressions develop the muscles in your face, and they refine your jawline over time. So how do you incorporate larger expressions into your daily routine? Well, for starters, you might try smiling more. You smile at your co-workers. You smile at your friends. You smile at random strangers you pass on the street. 
Not only will smiling strengthen your jawline, but it will also make you feel better. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of simply smiling more often. If you want a more regimented routine, stand in front of the mirror. After you wake up or before you go to bed, make as many exaggerated expressions as you can think of. Some will be goofy and strange, others will be serious or strained. Twice a day, make at least ten different expressions before moving on with your routine. Yeah, it may not feel like much at the moment, but this simple exercise will help you develop the jawline of your dreams.

Logan Archer

Others exclaimed, "Hold your tongue!" If it's okay with you, we'll burn the house down.