7 Unexpected Health Benefits of Baking Soda

7 Unexpected Health Benefits of Baking Soda

The thing is, none of that sodium bicarbonate is useful. In this article, we will take a look at 7 unexpected health benefits of baking soda.

Before we proceed, please note that everything mentioned in this article has been fact-checked and reviewed by qualified health professionals. Let's talk about 7 unexpected health benefits of baking soda


1. It helps alleviate heartburn. 

Heartburn is a distressing burning sensation that starts in the upper region of the stomach and spreads through the throat. This sensation is usually caused by acid flowing out of your stomach and up into the esophagus. However, heartburn can result from other disorders such as achalasia or eosinophilic esophagitis. 

However, some people might experience heartburn after gaining weight, but not necessarily Baking soda can help ease heartburn sensations by neutralizing stomach acid. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and drink slowly. It should make it better for you. However, there are a few things you should watch out for when it comes to baking soda for heartburn. 

First, not all heartburn symptoms are caused by acid reflux, as we already mentioned before. Baking soda is high in sodium, and you should keep your sodium levels in check. 


2. It's good for oral hygiene. 

Some people just can't stand that stinging sensation of mouthwash. The menthol is just too much for some people. Baking soda is a great substitute for commercial mouthwash. It does not taste good either, but it's at least better than mouthwash and is just as effective, if not more, at removing bacteria and plaque. 

Can you rinse your mouth with baking soda? Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with warm water and swish it around as you normally do with mouthwash. Baking soda has an agranular texture that helps reach all the hidden crannies and spaces between your teeth that are hard to reach with regular brushing. Moreover, baking soda has strong antibacterial and anti-microbial properties that can help neutralize bacteria, keeping your gums healthy and happy. 

What's even better is that baking soda can help treat some mouth abscesses and canker sores. Some studies suggest that washing your mouth with a baking soda mixture can ease the pain caused by canker sores. Even better, baking soda can be effective in whitening your teeth, leaving you with a brighter smile.


3. It helps improve your sports performance. 

Baking soda decreases the acidity in working muscles. Baking soda is a popular supplement among athletes during anaerobic exercises, which are very high-intensity activities. 

Our body's demand for oxygen surpasses the available supply, so our muscles do not have enough oxygen to produce ATP adenosine triphosphate, our body's cellular energy source, so they switch to a different method of producing ATP that generates hydrogen. Too much hydrogen in our muscles lowers the pH levels, leading to an acidic environment. This is when you feel that nasty burning sensation in your muscles. 

There are contradictory studies on this matter. Some researchers point to lactic acid as the leading cause of burning muscles. For example, lactic acid could also lower the pH in our muscle cells, causing our muscles to burn and tire as well. Either way, baking soda helps raise the pH levels and enables you to perform at your maximum intensity for longer.


4. beneficial to your skin

Baking soda is often recommended for itchy skin. bee stings, mosquito bites, or even sunburns in folk medicine. Baking soda is mixed with corn starch or oatmeal to alleviate the nasty sensations of sunburn. Some people recommend taking baking soda baths. You could just add one or two cups of baking soda to warm water and soak it in. 

You can also mix baking soda with a bit of water until you create a paste. Add a few layers to the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Moreover, a mixture of baking soda and water can help soothe the discomfort caused by calluses. Soak calluses in water with baking soda and you'll feel better afterward. 


5. effective arthritis pain relief

According to recent studies, baking soda tells the body to calm down its autoimmune response. Moreover, sodium bicarbonate helps strengthen your body's anti-inflammatory response. Research suggests that baking soda can be effective when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis. This autoimmune disorder targets the joints, leading to pain, swelling, stiffness, and lack of mobility. 

Since sodium bicarbonate is a good anti-inflammatory agent, it can help reduce joint inflammation and autoimmune response. A study published in April 2018 in the journal of immunology concluded that drinking a mixture of water and baking soda can reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases. The study was done both on rats and healthy humans. After two weeks of drinking the baking soda and water mixture, researchers found that the immune cells began to focus on reducing inflammation.


6. Helps to reduce bloating

Bloating is a general symptom that can occur for various reasons. Some of the most common causes are constipation, swallowing air from eating too fast, having too much reflux, weight gain, and menstruation. It could also signal more serious inflammatory issues or infections like irritable bowel syndrome. 

liver disease, etc. You can solve the issue in the short term by mixing a teaspoon of baking soda into four to six ounces of water and drinking the mixture slowly. The pH will be brought down to neutral, neutralizing the gases and calming your stomach. The enzymes will return to their natural state and you will feel light all of a sudden. 

Baking soda is an excellent anti-bloating remedy, but keep in mind that it is only a temporary solution. If you have frequent stomach and digestive issues, you should see a doctor. Moreover, children or pregnant women should avoid this method. Drinking baking soda water for more than two weeks at a time is not recommended.


7. It might help boost cancer treatments. 

Baking soda is not a miracle cancer treatment. Unfortunately, there is no such thing yet. However, sodium bicarbonate has a significant alkalizing effect, meaning it neutralizes acidity. 

Many researchers believe that the key to battling cancer is to decrease the acidity of the environment in which the cancer cells flourish. According to a 2009 study published in Cancer Research, injecting bicarbonate into mice can lower tumor pH levels and slow the progression of metastatic breast cancer. Chemotherapeutic failure in some cancer treatments might relate to the acidic nature of tumors in some cases. 

Some studies suggest that chemotherapy drugs, which are a highly chemical cocktail of drugs, cannot pass through the highly acidic environment of tumors, so scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of antacid drugs in combination with chemotherapy, and some studies suggest it may work. There is still a long way to go, and we can't say for sure that baking soda can help with cancer treatments. 



Baking soda is high in sodium, and you should keep your sodium levels in check. It's good for oral hygiene and can help treat mouth abscesses and canker sores. Some studies suggest that washing your mouth with a baking soda mixture can ease heartburn. Baking soda is a popular supplement among athletes during anaerobic exercises. It can help raise the pH levels and enable you to perform at your maximum intensity for longer.

Research suggests that baking soda can be effective when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis. Baking soda is an excellent anti-bloating remedy, but keep a mind that it is only a temporary solution. According to a 2009 study, injecting bicarbonate into mice can lower tumor pH levels and slow the progression of metastatic breast cancer.

Taylor Townsend

It makes no difference to him whether you're nervous or not. "Your Majesty, I'm a poor guy," he replied.