Did You Know These 10 Facts About Coffee?

Did You Know These 10 Facts About Coffee?

Coffee is our favorite drink of choice. We all love coffee, but how much do you really know about it? Here are 10 facts you probably didn't know about coffee.

Coffee is a beverage. the magical drink every morning. For most of us, the sun does not rise without the smell of freshly brewed beans. They are technically seeds. 

Coffee beans are the cherry-like berries found in flowering coffee shrubs, but saying coffee seeds sounds strange. Coffee has many health benefits for the body, but it also depends on how your body reacts to caffeine, so we'll go over the ins and outs of coffee in this article.


1. Coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Studies indicate that drinking coffee regularly could be related to a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the long term. 

People who drank more than one cup of coffee per day had an 11% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank only one cup of coffee per day, according to a study led by Harvard School of Public Health researchers.

Another study found that the coffee compound cafe stall could improve type 2 diabetes markers in mice. More research is needed. It looks like it can impact insulin sensitivity. Inflammation and metabolism


2. Coffee might decrease the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Preliminary studies have shown a positive link between caffeine consumption and a low risk of Parkinson's disease. 

A 2017 meta-analysis indicated that regular coffee consumption can lower the risk of Parkinson's disease, even among smokers. The study also suggested that regular coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from depression or other cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. More research on this topic, however, is required.


3. Coffee increases fiber consumption.

Some studies suggest that 100 milliliters of brewed coffee contain up to 0.75 grams of dietary fiber, so one or two cups of coffee can bring you even closer to reaching your recommended daily fiber intake. 

Drinking coffee can also help burn fat and achieve your desired weight, but you shouldn't rely solely on coffee for fiber, or you will be sleepwalking tonight. Some high-fiber foods include dried fruits, apples, avocados, berries, beans, broccoli, etc. Consider a healthy, balanced diet. 


4. Coffee promotes brain health and power. 

It seems that the combination of caffeine and glucose could act as stimulants for your central nervous system and trigger the release of adrenaline. 

As a result, your heartbeat will increase, your blood pressure will rise, and you'll get an extra energy boost. Therefore, it will help improve your attention and concentration power, so after lunch, when you're feeling low, a little bit of espresso can boost your brain power and get you out of that concentration slump. 

It's also worth noting the 11 observational studies involving over 29 000 people that suggest coffee consumption may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, several other studies have found a link between moderate coffee consumption and a lower risk of dementia or cognitive decline. Coffee might not make you smarter, but it can help in your efforts to become smarter.


5. Coffee has virtually no calories.

However, we like to add extra ingredients to our coffee, such as sugar, whipping cream, milk, and so on. Some coffee drinks can end up having hundreds of calories. 

For example, Starbucks' tasty frappuccinos pack up to 400 to 500 calories per serving; even a white chocolate mocha is about 400 calories. So if you're fighting to lose weight, you might want to skip these Starbucks delicacies and go for plain black coffee with just a little bit of sugar or other types of sweeteners. 


6. The legend says coffee can make goats dance.

Well, this is not exactly a health benefit, but it won't hurt to know the central legend about coffee. The first person who acknowledged the effects of coffee was an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi. 

He discovered the potential of coffee beans when he noticed that his goats would become overly energetic after eating the coffee berries. The goat herder reported his discovery to the local monastery, and the abbot made a drink with the mentioned berries. 

He discovered the brew made him stay alert during the long hours of evening prayers and through the night. Needless to say, this is just a legend and we can't know for sure if coffee can make goats even more energetic than they are. It's the central legend related to coffee, and it's worth knowing.


7. Coffee can reduce the risk of gout.

Gout is a type of arthritis that affects the joints, causing them to swell, stiffen, and turn red. It is, of course, painful. Gout is caused by hyperuricemia, which indicates too much uric acid in the body. 

Uric acid is a byproduct of purine, a chemical compound that occurs naturally in the body. Research has shown that coffee can lower uric acid levels and increase the rate at which your body excretes uric acid by competing with enzymes that break down purines in the body. 

According to one study, drinking one to three cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of gout by 40%. While more studies are needed on this topic, we can safely assume the preliminary results are positive. 


8. Coffee can help you lose weight.

The struggle to lose weight is real and we know it. Coffee, according to new research, can help by altering fat storage and supporting gut health. Twelve studies concluded that drinking a lot of coffee can help you lose weight in both men and women.

Another study found that people who drank one or two cups of coffee per day were 17% more likely to perform certain physical activities at peak levels, so yeah, coffee can improve your energy levels and physical performance. More physical activities lead to burning more calories, which leads to losing weight faster.


9. It can reduce the risk of chronic liver disease.

A 2019 literature review showed that coffee could reduce the risk of liver cancer. According to another 2015 study conducted in the United States, participants who drank two to three cups of coffee daily showed lower risks of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. 

We have found even more research papers that show a positive connection between coffee consumption and reduced risks of liver cancer or cirrhosis. All types of coffee might offer protection against colds. With so many studies on the subject, we may be able to safely assume that coffee has some health benefits for the liver, but be warned: don't drink a lot of coffee just to make your liver happy. Your good mood is sponsored by coffee.


10. Coffee may help fight depression.

Some studies suggest that coffee's anti-inflammatory properties may decrease depression. So, when the blues strike, make a big cup of coffee, look up at the sky, and soak up the sun. If that doesn't help, you may want to see a specialist. 

Caffeine's energy-boosting effect may also help your immune system, making it stronger and healthier. It contains phenolic compounds with rich health-promoting antioxidant activity, but you may want to stick to the natural ground coffee type. So, may your coffee be fresh and natural, and may your mornings be bright and productive with enough coffee.

Now that we've discussed the exciting health benefits and facts about coffee.

We'll devote the final point on our list to the main types of coffee. Coffee is classified into two types: 

While there are over 100 coffee species out there, the two main ones that are produced and sold all over the globe are coffee arabica and cafe. Robusta Arabica is the most popular of them all, primarily because of its taste. 

Robusta is bitter because it contains almost two times more caffeine than arabica. The extra caffeine in robusta coffee acts as a natural defense mechanism against insects and other parasites. 

This is why it is also generally less expensive than Arabica. Which one is your favorite? Well, you probably don't know because, nowadays, coffee makers might blend the two. 

For example, espresso beans contain robusta coffee because it improves the crema. Yes, coffee is a science in itself, but sometimes coffee is real magic, so if your body responds well to coffee, you should enjoy all the health benefits it brings. Have your cup of coffee in the morning and enjoy a productive day. Tell us in the comment section below.



Coffee has many health benefits for the body, but it also depends on how your body reacts to caffeine. Coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and increase fiber intake. Drinking coffee can also help burn fat and achieve your desired weight. The combination of caffeine and glucose could act as stimulants for your nervous system. Coffee consumption may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

It can also improve your attention and concentration power. Coffee has virtually no calories, so if you're fighting to lose weight, go for plain black coffee with just a little bit of sugar or other types of sweeteners. Coffee can lower uric acid levels and increase the rate at which your body excretes purines. People who drink one to three cups of coffee daily are 17% more likely to perform certain physical activities at peak levels. It can reduce the risk of chronic liver disease.

Caffeine's energy-boosting effect may also help your immune system, making it stronger and healthier. Coffee contains phenolic compounds with rich health-promoting antioxidant activity. All types of coffee might offer protection against colds. Some studies suggest that coffee's anti-inflammatory properties may decrease depression.

Ethan Norris

She'd made her decision, and she was terrified, despite the fact that she remembered how small she was.