How to Love the Universe

How to Love the Universe

It can be difficult to find out how to merge the two and enjoy the boundless mystery of the cosmos for all that it is in a world driven by science on one end and spirituality on the other. When it comes to learning to appreciate the cosmos, the first place to begin is within yourself. We're here to help you learn how to love all over again if you want to go on a cosmic adventure.

Complete these ten simple steps to begin each day with appreciation...
Thank the Universe (God, Life) that you are alive.

Give thanks for the bed that kept you comfortable all night, and/or for other things many of us take for granted: family, food, clothing, a job, a place to live, friends, and so on.

The Universe wishes for us to be joyful right now. The Universe is unconcerned with our efforts to postpone our happiness in the hopes of achieving it in the future. Furthermore, it is unconcerned about whatever subconscious urge we may have to keep our psychological barriers to love in place, regardless of our motivations or the origins of those love-blocking tactics. We collaborate with the Universe's wish for us to be happy by meditating, and we empty our minds of any notion that tries to persuade us differently. Begin your meditation by making a simple request to your mind.

The Universe wishes for us to be joyful right now. The Universe is unconcerned with our efforts to postpone our happiness in the hopes of achieving it in the future. Furthermore, it is unconcerned about whatever subconscious urge we may have to keep our psychological barriers to love in place, regardless of our motivations or the origins of those love-blocking tactics. We collaborate with the Universe's wish for us to be happy by meditating, and we empty our minds of any notion that tries to persuade us differently. Begin your meditation by making a simple request to your mind.

Simply because you can send kindness to others. When you send love to someone else, it naturally returns to you. Even if you are unable to act lovingly, you can always try.

Remember how far you've already come and be gentle with yourself (this is known as self-compassion). When you start to lose trust in a cosmic force (e.g., God, the cosmos), it's always a good idea to look back and see how far you've come in the last year, five years, ten years, and so on. Allow Life to take control of your plans. We don't have a plan that works, but life does. Surrender your intentions to the Universe and take inspired action based on what life has to offer. You will save a lot of time and sorrow by doing so. Remember how far you've already come and be gentle with yourself (this is known as self-compassion). When you start to lose trust in a cosmic force (e.g., God, the cosmos), it's always a good idea to look back and see how far you've come in the last year, five years, ten years, and so on. Allow Life to take control of your plans. We don't have a plan that works, but life does. Surrender your intentions to the Universe and take inspired action based on what life has to offer. You will save a lot of time and sorrow by doing so. You can get rid of (train) your ego by loving (accepting, caring about, and appreciating) yourself more just as you are and without criticizing other people as you do. Spend time in nature and outside. No, this step does not require you to hug a tree. This phase entails going outside and accepting the Universe's gifts for yourself. Take in the beauty of the flowers and the sky, listen to the bird's sing, smell the grass, and feel the breeze. You may notice that you can't be dissatisfied when performing any of these things. Maintain an open mind and try perceiving with all five senses. Life has already begun to speak. Deeply inhale and listen to your heartbeat. Take some time to listen to your heartbeat and feel your breath—sense your presence—if you truly want to feel the presence of the Universe (following the idea of 'what is without reflects what is within'). You can succeed. Love is a decision, not an emotion. You have complete freedom to choose to LOVE. You will begin to experience love for the entire universe welling up within you as you learn to love yourself more and practice loving others until you become an expert at it. Once you've arrived.

Harvey Wood

The fight began much sooner than she anticipated after catching and returning the flamingo.