Why do young people have back pain problems?

Why do young people have back pain problems?

Back pain in young people can be mild and at the same time damage the muscles. Here discuss the Why do young people have back pain problems?

7 reasons why young people have back pain problems?

Muscle (Back Pain)

Muscle is the one in back pain problems. The most common cause of back pain in adolescents and young adults is muscle (back) pain. Losses include ligament and muscle tension, overuse damage, and posture problems.
Sometimes MRI, X-ray, and other imaging tests can help diagnose low back pain. But these specific tests may not be necessary. Young people don't have to be second at the right time.
Excessive testing also has many disadvantages, including exposure to excessive radiation. Don't hesitate to ask your child's doctor about the exact cost of the tests he or she will prescribe.

Stress fractures

These stress fractures can occur in the spinal cord. Sometimes these stress fractures occur in these young people. They don't even realize they're hurt because it often takes time to see the obvious signs.
The most common type of vertebral stress fracture is spondylolisthesis, which damages a bone in the back of the spine. This damage usually affects young people who play sports. Frequent hyperextensions, such as diving and gymnastics.

Disk issues

Spinal disc herniation means that the soft tissue between the two sentences also helps. Content related to this disk is also removed from the common space. This can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
This herniated disc is much less common in young people than in the elderly. But they can be and cause serious symptoms.


In adolescents, spinal cord infections can sometimes cause anxiety, low-grade fever, and vague symptoms of low back pain. Spinal cord/disc infections can also be very difficult to diagnose.

Unusual aspects of alignment

Spinal alignment problems can cause significant discomfort and back pain. That, too, should be taken into account. But when more subtle flaws can be felt, they rarely cause pain.


There may be various benign and malignant tumors in the spinal cord. These often cause significant pain. At other times, they can be discovered without argument.
Although spinal tumors are a rare cause of back pain in childhood and adolescence, they should also be considered an unusual but completely possible diagnosis.

Arthritis and osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a common disease that causes recurrence, inflammation, and swelling. And osteoarthritis occurs when bones and cartilage are broken. Middle-aged people are affected by the best times. But today's youth are also influential.


 Back pain problems are a growing. Especially, people who practice sports carry heavy bags those who are overweight.

Alice Dunn

"Without even waiting," the dormouse shook its head impatiently after a minute or two.