How to Get Rid of a Pimple

How to Get Rid of a Pimple

Even if you try your hardest to avoid acne, you may still have pimples. Fortunately, there are numerous methods for removing a pimple. Topical treatments comprising glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide are the simplest options. If you prefer a more natural approach, try a tea tree oil solution or ice.

How to Quickly Get Rid of a Pimple


Apply hydrocortisone cream to the affected area.

The next best thing to cortisone shots is hydrocortisone cream. Depending on whatever hydrocortisone cream you use, the directions will be different. However, you can apply the cream directly to your pimple up to twice daily in most cases.
Excessive usage of hydrocortisone cream can thin the skin and lead to additional outbreaks. To avoid overuse, strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Using an extraction instrument, pop your pimple.

To clear your pores, use a sterilized pimple extraction instrument (most look like small metal nooses). Using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, disinfect the pimple and the surrounding area. Place the tool's round end over your pimple and slowly drag it across your skin with firm, continuous pressure.
If the pimple has a yellow, white, or black "head," only try to pop it. Extraction of a pimple without a head will be uncomfortable and may result in scars.
If at all possible, avoid popping the pimple. Popping can leave scars or aggravate your breakout.

Using an extraction instrument, pop your pimple.

To clear your pores, use a sterilized pimple extraction instrument (most look like small metal nooses). Using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, disinfect the pimple and the surrounding area. Place the tool's round end over your pimple and slowly drag it across your skin with firm, continuous pressure.
If the pimple has a yellow, white, or black "head," only try to pop it. Extraction of a pimple without a head will be uncomfortable and may result in scars.
If at all possible, avoid popping the pimple. Popping can leave scars or aggravate your breakout.

How to Make Your Homemade Solutions


Consider using an aspirin mask.

Aspirin is commonly used to reduce inflammation and swelling, and its anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling characteristics can help with pimples. 5–7 uncoated aspirin tablets, plus two or three tablespoons of water, are ground together. For 10-15 minutes, apply the paste to the pimple.
Add a teaspoon of honey, tea tree oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil to the paste for added antibacterial and moisturizing properties.
Consult a doctor before using an aspirin mask on a child or young adult because they are at risk of getting Reye's Syndrome.

Your pimple should be iced.

Ice, like aspirin, is frequently used on inflamed skin to reduce swelling and redness. Use a gentle cleanser on your face, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. Wrap an ice cube or an ice pack in a towel and place it on your pimple for 5 minutes before removing it. Alternate in this manner for another 20-30 minutes.
Repeat up to three times per day.
The pore will tighten and constrict as a result of this.
Ice will help minimize the size and color of the pimple, restoring your skin's texture and appearance to near-normal levels.
If the pimple is causing you pain, this treatment may assist.

To get rid of your pimple, use a 5% tea tree oil treatment.

Using a cotton swab, dip it into the solution and gently rub it over and around the pimple. Repeat once a day until your pimple has disappeared. If you can't get a 5 percent tea tree oil solution, mix undiluted tea tree oil with water in the ratios needed to make a 5 percent tea tree oil solution (and 95 percent water). If you have sensitive skin, add additional water.
Before using, give the solution a good shake.
You might use neem oil instead of tea tree oil.
Tea tree oil can harm your skin if taken too frequently or at high-concentration levels. Consult your doctor to determine how much and how often you can safely apply tea tree oil to a pimple.

Bring your pimple to the surface with a warm compress or steam.

A long, hot shower can open your skin pores and encourage the growth of the pimple. The same effect can be achieved by applying a warm compress to the affected area. Use an extraction tool to get rid of the pimple once it has surfaced a little more. Alternately, use salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid-based spot therapy.

Logan Archer

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