How to Make Distilled Water at Home

How to Make Distilled Water at Home

It's easy to make distilled water at home with this step-by-step guide. All you need is a clean container, some fresh water, and a heat source.

Ditch the store-bought distilled water and start making your own! In this post, I'm going to show you how to create your own source of high-quality distilled water right at home – the perfect solution for when you need pure H2O without any added ingredients. So grab your supplies, get ready to learn a new skill, and let's get started on making some delicious distilled water!




Distilled water is incredibly useful for a variety of purposes, from making ice cubes to providing drinking water. Distilling water is quite simple and can be done at home with the right materials and equipment.

It is important to note that distillation does not guarantee the purity of a substance—it merely separates it into different components— however, it is useful in eliminating dissolved solids often found in tap water such as lead, arsenic, and calcium.

This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about how to make distilled water at home safely and quickly:


What is Distilled Water?


Distilled water is water that has been boiled into steam and then condensed back into liquid form. It is assumed to be pure and free of any contaminants or minerals. Distilled water is often used in processes where it does not come into contact with many elements. It is sometimes used in labs, steam irons and car batteries, as well as for drinking purposes. Because the distillation process removes dissolved minerals such as iron, hard water can be treated by distillation and will result in softer, better tasting water.

Distilled water reacts differently with some substances than other kinds of purified or filtered waters do, so it's important to understand the differences between them when shopping for a purification system.

If you are interested in making your own distilled water at home, there are several methods you can use. Home distillation allows you to boil off impurities from regular tap or well water without having to buy a commercial unit or subscribe to a service provider. Making your own distilled water at home is both safe and cost-effective way to ensure you have clean drinking water whenever you need it:

  • Boiling
  • Solar Distillation
  • Distillation with a Refrigerator
  • Distillation with a Pressure Cooker
  • Distillation with a Water Distiller


What is the Process of Distillation?


Distillation is a process that uses heat to separate a liquid from its other components. During this process, the mixture of liquids is heated to its boiling point. The vapors produced are then collected and condensed into a separate container. This condensation yields a purer form of the original liquid.

The most common form of distillation used to make distilled water is called simple distillation. This process yields distilled water by heating regular tap water to boiling, capturing the steam and condensing it back into a liquid, resulting in pure H2O with few dissolved solids and contaminants. Distilling water at home requires minimal equipment and can take anything from 30 minutes up to several hours, depending on the amount you need to produce.

To get started, there are two main pieces of equipment needed for distilling:

  • A heat source
  • A still (or apparatus for collecting the vapor)

Once these pieces are collected, distilling can begin by following five main steps:

  1. Pre-heat your still by filling it with hot tap water
  2. Heat your source material – in our case, regular tap water – to boiling in a pot or other container.
  3. Now that steam is produced from your heat source, direct it into the still using tubing or hoses so that you can collect the condensed liquid.
  4. Once all steam has been collected in your apparatus and cooled down, filter it through a filter paper – or any other material you find suitable – before collecting it in jars or another storage container for consumption or future use
  5. If desired or required, add tablets containing minerals such as calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts).


What You Need to Make Distilled Water at Home


Making your own distilled water at home can be an economical and convenient way to ensure a supply of high-quality water. The process eliminates any bacteria and hard minerals from the water, making it free from contaminants. However, distilled water is naturally lacking in some important minerals so it’s important to keep consumption of this type of water limited.

To make your own distilled water at home you will need:

  • A large pot or container for boiling the water
  • A container or jug to collect the distilled liquid
  • Ice cubes
  • A long wooden spoon
  • Cheesecloth or a coffee filter for straining the liquid

You may wish to use a heavy duty pot that’s large enough for an additional layer of ice above the boiling pot. This helps condense more steam into the clean container without any carryover of contaminants in vapors with the liquid. You may also want to include a thermometer so you can monitor and regulate temperatures during this process.


Step-by-Step Guide to Making Distilled Water


Distilled water is perfect for drinking and using in many types of medical and scientific applications due to its freedom from impurities. Distillation is the process of boiling water and allowing the resulting steam to condense back into liquid. This cycle effectively separates any solids, salt or other pollutants in the source water as they are not volatile enough to evaporate with the steam. It also helps reduce chlorine and other chemicals often used by municipal water companies. The result is a pure, clean form of H2O that is safe to drink.

The following guide explains how to make distilled water at home using household materials you may already have access to. While it's important that precautions are taken when using heat sources, creating your own distilled water can be an interesting experiment for all ages!

  1. Prepare Your Setup
    • First, you need a large heat safe container that can hold both the boiling source water and resulting steam condensation. A pot or pan will work but many opt for something larger such as a half whiskey barrel or an aluminum roasting pan – typically found in department stores or kitchen specialty shops. You also need containers so that you can funnel away the condensed steam on one end and receive the purified liquid out of a spout at other end – two clean jars will do just fine for this task. Finally, you need a stove burner (or similar heat source) capable of boil your source water over medium-high heat.
  2. Pre-heat Your Container
    • Once everything is set up it’s time to pre-heat everything – including your distillation containers – so they won’t immediately absorb large amounts of heat when added with boiling hot source liquid later on! Fill your designated container halfway with mildly hot tap/source/municipal (not boiling) then set aside until ready to use later on in step 4 below.
  3. Boil Source Water
    • Using your stovetop burner or similar heat source, place your second “distilling” pot onto the flame and bring approximately 2 liters of distilled-water-to-be up to a rolling boil over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes. Be sure there is enough pot space left free from rising steam bubbles so as not interfere with proceedings whencontainer is eventually transferred over.. This container should be left on said burner until given further instructions during Step 5 below!


Benefits of Making Distilled Water at Home


Making your own distilled water at home yields numerous benefits and is much easier than you might think. For example, distilled water has many practical uses such as cooking, drinking, and even in plants as it carries no added minerals or bacteria which can be harmful to the plants and cause harm to the human body. Moreover, distilled water is considerably cheaper than store-bought bottled water and can be stored for longer periods of time due to its ability to attract fewer airborne contaminants. This makes it more ideal for long-term storage options in comparison to other types of water such as those sourced from rivers or lakes.

Additionally, many prefer the taste of distilled water compared to that of tap water due to its purified nature which results in a purer consistency, making it more desirable for consumption purposes. Furthermore, since distilled water removes essential minerals which are usually found naturally occurring in other sources of drinking waters such as lake or river, adding a pinch of salt during boiling can artificially replace these minerals while still providing the same level of filtration.

In conclusion, making your own distilled water at home is quite effortless yet has numerous potential benefits such as being far cheaper than store-bought options while also offering enhanced taste and purification capabilities. Thus making it an ideal option for those who prioritize purity and cost savings while still seeking an enjoyable drinking experience.


Tips for Making Distilled Water


Distilled water is water that has had most of its impurities removed through a distillation process. In general, the distillation process involves boiling the water and then condensing it into another container, leaving sediments behind in the first container. This process can be done at home using simple materials found around the house.

To make distilled water at home, you will need:

  • A pot or kettle with a spout
  • An ice cube tray
  • Ice cubes
  • Aluminum foil

First, fill the pot or kettle with tap water and bring it to a boil. Cover it completely with aluminum foil to prevent any impurities from entering into the boiling chamber during evaporation. Then take your ice cube tray and place it on top of the boiling pot or kettle so that steam can be condensed onto its surface. Finally, wait for steam to start rising up in the pot before adding a few ice cubes on top of the aluminum foil covering – this will allow for condensation to occur more rapidly. Collecting this condensed steam in a separate container provides you with distilled water!




Making distilled water at home is a simple process, but it does require some patience and a working knowledge of basic kitchen principles. Once you understand how to build the system and set it in motion, you can make as much or little as you need without investing in costly bottled water.

Distilled water has numerous uses, including cleaning and cooking projects. Before using distilled water for culinary purposes, however, consult your local health expert regarding any legal restrictions that may apply. Whether using distilled water for medical reasons or simply to enjoy fresher beverages at home, knowing how to make it yourself can provide peace of mind that your family is drinking safe, healthy water.

Alice Dunn

"Without even waiting," the dormouse shook its head impatiently after a minute or two.