Relaxing Like a Cat

Relaxing Like a Cat

Do you feel tense and frazzled? Is it possible that you're venting your rage and frustration on everyone and everything around you? Take a page from a cat's book and learn to relax more frequently; if you can relax like a cat, life will become less of a challenge. Here are some techniques to help you relax like a cat.

Self-compassion is important. Cats don't beat themselves up for not being attractive, acceptable, neat, wealthy, healthy, or intelligent. They are unconcerned with frivolous matters such as ill luck. Cats simply accept and love themselves as they are.

Stop rushing around. A cat only runs around when: a) it's exciting (like chasing a bumblebee), b) there's food at the end of the chase, or c) they're pursuing each other during mating season. Cats stretch out, relax, lick themselves (OK, maybe you don't need to go that far), and sleep, aside from these three very solid excuses.

Self-compassion is important. Cats don't beat themselves up for not being attractive, acceptable, neat, wealthy, healthy, or intelligent. They are unconcerned with frivolous matters such as ill luck. Cats simply accept and love themselves as they are.

Hide in plain sight. A cat in need of a break does not linger. She sets off in search of a location to hang out and recover from whatever ailment she is suffering from. She'll return reinvigorated as a result of keeping her distance, barring major injury or death. You could also give it a shot.
Make a particular hiding place for yourself at home or in the yard where you can go when things get tough. Return prepared to pick up where you left off after licking your wounds.

Now and again, purr. Okay, we're not purring. But we don't laugh enough, and we don't laugh often enough. The simplest mention of a stroke, snuggle, or comfy spot can set off many a cat. And there's the satisfaction that comes with grooming! Feel happy by noticing the delight all around you, the wonder in everything. And purr laughs a lot more at things you'd forgotten were hilarious, at things you'd always considered amusing.
Make those around you laugh as well. Give someone you care about a massage, a hairbrush or trim, a foot rub, or a tickle to raise their level of happiness.
Purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr In, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out Like felines, I'm deep and methodical. You don't need to create the rusty noise; simply heave in your chest and gently exhale, as if purring.

Be thankful for the little things. Your cats are savoring the length of your wonderful green grass, plucking daisies from your garden, eating the cat toys strewn over your floor, and clawing the daylights out of your favorite couch while we're hurrying off in search of perfection and larger and better things. They have everything they require there in front of their eyes. And you know it, too; it's just that you're occasionally too high off the ground to notice. Get down and experience the world through your cat's eyes, and rediscover the delights of your backyard.

Hug, cuddle, and nuzzle. A good embrace, hug, or nuzzle will always come in handy, whether it's because you or someone you care about has had a difficult day or simply because you want to help another person relax. Every cat understands this, which is why cats engage in these care rituals regularly. You may finish it off by rubbing your hands across someone's legs... or not.

Thomas Kshlerin

"But Mabel must have taken my place!" the pigeon exclaims. "What is the purpose of the small door?" I'll make an effort to express myself.