What is a Blogger & What is a Blog Post?

What is a Blogger & What is a Blog Post?

A blogger is a person who writes a blog post. A blog post is a piece of content written by a blogger. Bloggers are people who write blog posts.

What is a blogger? What do bloggers do? How do you become a blogger?  What is a Blog Post? How much money can you make blogging? These are just some of the questions that keep popping up in my head whenever I think about this field of work, so I thought I’d try to find out the answers by researching and asking around. Turns out there’s quite a bit of confusion in the blogging community itself, and on the Internet at large, regarding what bloggers are and what they do (and don’t). Hence this post!


An Introduction

When you think of blogging, your first thought might be of internet celebrities like Perez Hilton, who has 4.8 million followers on Twitter and 668,000 on Instagram. You may also envision someone like Jenna Marbles or Michelle Phan, who have 20 million and 11 million subscribers respectively to their YouTube channels. While these are all professional bloggers with millions of followers and thousands of posts under their belts, they’re also just examples of what it means to be a blogger. As you already know, there are many different types of bloggers in addition to posting general-interest content on a website or YouTube channel.
For example, some people use blogs as a way to share their thoughts and experiences while others use them as a platform for advertising products or services. This post will cover everything from writing blogs for fun to building an audience that leads to revenue generation. We’ll also go over how blogging can help you advance your career, whether you want to become an author, marketer, or even make money by starting your own business. Ready? Let's get started!


The Mechanics of Running a Blog

Before we get into what blogging is and how to do it, it helps to have a basic understanding of how blogs function. At their core, blogs are just simple content management systems (CMSes). A CMS uses text files to create pages on websites. Typically, there's an index page that displays all other pages in a hierarchical structure with links that go deeper and deeper into related content. If you're trying to figure out how everything works, I'd highly recommend WordPress; it's one of the most popular CMSes on web servers around the world. It's also very simple and offers great tutorials for novice users.


What Is A Blog Post?

Well, think of it as an essay. Some people call them posts; others use articles or entries. Whatever you want to call them, it’s that particular chunk of content that appears on your website (or someone else’s) when you click on your byline. Sometimes they are short – a paragraph or two long; sometimes they go on for hundreds of words with embedded links and videos. But whatever their length, all have one thing in common: they are more than just text. They can be images, audio clips, video clips... anything that adds value to what you already have to say will do. If you are struggling to get readers coming back to your site again and again, start thinking about ways you can add multimedia content to each post. The extra time investment now could pay off later! So if it’s not obvious yet, blogging isn’t about blogging at all. It’s about writing interesting pieces of content so that people will read them - even share them - over and over again. This means that anyone who wants to become a blogger has to learn how to write first!
It takes some practice but once you know how to craft a sentence then it's easy peasy lemon squeezy after that!! I highly recommend practicing by reading different blogs daily until you feel comfortable writing yourself.


Do’s And Don’ts Of Blogging

Every blogger has his or her special style and personality. However, they all need to stay on topic and follow some basic rules if they want their content to be successful. If you’re just starting, make sure you avoid these blogging don’ts. Remember: blogging dos usually trump blogging don'ts. Always keep your topics interesting, and don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Just make sure that it's worth reading before publishing! 1) Don't bore readers. 2) Don't talk about yourself too much. 3) Don't use all upper case letters or ALL lower case letters – use appropriate capitalization!


Tips On Writing An Interesting And Useful Post

Readers will only continue to visit your site if they find it to be interesting, useful, and up-to-date. If your post doesn’t have these three qualities then there’s no point in even writing it. It might be difficult to make an original, interesting, and useful post on every topic you write about but you should always do your best. When you do create such a post, don’t forget to include details about how someone can follow up with you or contact you for more information or advice on related topics. This will allow other bloggers and webmasters to link back to your website and also drive traffic there because of their links to you.


When To Publish A New Blog Post

At our agency, we like to publish around three times per week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. If you don’t have specific topics that work well with those dates, go with what works best for your audience. The most important thing is to make sure that you are consistent in your publishing schedule. Consistency breeds trust with readers, so always plan before going dark for more than a day or two. Remember: whenever you pull back from blogging, it’s like taking time off from exercising or relationships—you can lose muscle tone (or content quality) quickly if you aren’t careful!


How To Promote Your Posts

There are many ways to promote your posts, but there are a few simple rules you should keep in mind. Your primary goal when sharing your content should be to get attention for it—that means you want as many people as possible to see it and click on it. The general rule of thumb is that if a link isn’t shared 10 times or more, then it wasn’t worth sharing at all. With that in mind, let’s look at some of our options.

  1. You can tweet links directly from Twitter,
  2. You can post links to Facebook groups or pages,
  3. You can email them directly to friends and family,
  4. If you have a large audience already built up on Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, or any other social network; use those channels instead.
  5. You can comment with links on blogs that accept comments (most do).
  6. You can add links to relevant Reddit threads (try /r/blogging).
  7. Share links via StumbleUpon.
  8. Add them to relevant Google+ Communities.
  9. Use services like Bitly for shortened URLs with tracking capabilities.



There's a lot of confusion about what bloggers are and what they do. This post will cover everything from writing blogs for fun to building an audience that leads to revenue generation. We'll also go over how blogging can help you advance your career, whether as an author, marketer, or entrepreneur. What is a Blog Post? A chunk of content that appears on your website (or someone else's) when you click on your byline.

Sometimes they are short – a paragraph or two long; sometimes they go on for hundreds of words. They can be images, audio clips, video clips, or video clips. If your blog isn't interesting, useful, and up-to-date then there's no point in writing it. There are many ways to promote your posts, but there are a few simple rules you should keep in mind. Consistency breeds trust with readers so always plan before going dark.

Mohammed Fuller

"Sentence first, verdict second," says the Queen. "Stuff and nonsense!" exclaims the narrator. With a solemn expression on her face, Alice exclaimed. I'll tell you a little bit about myself.