What Should You Be Eating Every Day?

What Should You Be Eating Every Day?

If you're looking to get healthy, you might be wondering what you should be eating every day. Learn what you should be eating to stay healthy and feel great.

A healthy diet should be divided into three major food groups: protein, carbohydrates, and fats (also known as macronutrients). You should get the majority of your daily calories from carbohydrates, about 15-20% from protein, and the rest from fat. If you aren’t sure what you should be eating every day, check out these healthy foods that are packed with nutrients and perfect for any meal of the day!


The Basics

While individual nutritional needs vary depending on sex, age, and physical activity level, a healthy diet generally includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains or other complex carbohydrates, low-fat dairy products, beans and legumes (such as peas), lean meats (particularly poultry without skin), fish, and poultry. By limiting portion sizes of some foods and cutting back on others entirely—sugar-sweetened beverages are one example—it's also possible to lose weight. A safe target for weight loss is 1/2 pound per week. This usually amounts to about 1/4 of a pound per day.


The Meal Plans

First, you need to figure out how many calories your body needs each day. Take your current weight and multiply it by 12 to get an estimate of how many calories you need each day to maintain your weight. Remember, everyone’s metabolism is different, so even if two people are both maintaining their weight at 1,800 calories per day, that doesn’t mean they will be at every meal for every day going forward. If you want to lose more than one or two pounds a week, you will have to decrease your calorie intake below what you are burning.

The Green Smoothie

The next time you're feeling hungry, try reaching for a glass of green smoothie. Green smoothies are easy to make and easy to digest, which makes them great meal replacements, post-workout snacks, or just healthy substitutes for that afternoon candy bar. And since they're jam-packed with nutrients—including all those anti-inflammatory ingredients like dark leafy greens and healthy fats—green smoothies can help keep you looking good from all angles. The best part is that if you know how to add a few ingredients to your favorite blender, you’ll have yourself a delicious nutrient-rich treat every day.


The Superfood Salad

Many of us make salads a regular part of our diets, and that’s great. But if you want to go above and beyond when it comes to nutrition, focus on superfoods. So what are superfoods? These are foods that pack in more nutrients per calorie than any other food source—making them more efficient sources of nutrition for your daily diet. For example, spinach is packed with Vitamin K1 (important for blood clotting) and C (which helps strengthen bones). It also provides folate, vitamin B2, manganese, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. all while only providing 35 calories per cup!


The Scrambled Eggs,

If you've ever been disappointed by your scrambled eggs, here's a quick hack to make them better. Spray a nonstick skillet with cooking spray and set it over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Then crack in three eggs and cook, stirring occasionally, until they're almost done—the whites should be mostly cooked through but there should still be a bit of liquid on top. Transfer them to a plate and run some cold water over them, then scramble them with a rubber spatula until cooked through. Serve with salsa or hot sauce on top!


Drinks and Snacks to Avoid

Most of us know that soda and candy bars are bad for our health. But we don’t give a second thought to other drinks and snacks. More often than not, those healthy-sounding options at your local coffee shop and gas station may be no better than what you can buy at a vending machine. And even though they may taste good, their high sugar content can lead to unhealthy weight gain in no time at all. Check out our list of healthy drinks and snacks below. Don’t drink fruit juices—real fruit is better!



If you're feeling stressed or anxious, listening to soul music can help relax your mind and body. Sam Cooke, Bill Withers, and Aretha Franklin are some of our favorite artists for stress-relieving songs. Research confirms that people who listen to uplifting music are more likely to be in a good mood. Most of us turn to music when we're feeling down or stressed. Research has shown that listening to calming music can reduce stress, anger, and anxiety levels.

If you're looking for some tunes to help you relax, try these 25 relaxing songs from around the world. Many people find that singing is a great way to reduce anxiety and get in touch with emotions. Music can be used as a form of therapy for those who suffer from depression or PTSD. By choosing the right type of music, you can reap a variety of mental health benefits.

Ethan Norris

She'd made her decision, and she was terrified, despite the fact that she remembered how small she was.