17 Psychological Laws of Human Attraction

17 Psychological Laws of Human Attraction

I know several psychological principles that can influence human attraction, but there is no definitive list of the "17 Psychological Laws of Human Attraction."

The law of attraction plays a significant role in human relationships, and understanding human attraction's psychological regulations can help us better understand why we are attracted to certain people.

Social psychology has studied the principles of social perception to gain insight into how physical attractiveness, personality traits, and other factors influence our decisions about who to become attracted to.

This article will explore 17 psychological laws of human attraction, including sexual attraction and its components. We will also discuss how these laws guide our behavior when making romantic connections with others.

By exploring the different facets of human attraction, we can gain greater insight into how our interests work and shape our relationships.


Reasons for exploring the Psychological Laws of Human Attraction

The law of attraction states that we are attracted to people with similar interests, values, and beliefs. We may also be attracted to people we have had successful experiences with.

Exploring the psychological laws of human attraction is essential because it helps us better understand why we are drawn to certain people and situations.


By learning more about why we are attracted to certain people, we can begin to share this. It allows us to gain insight into our behaviors and reactions and those of others. Additionally, exploring the psychological laws of human attraction can help us break down barriers of social isolation by creating meaningful connections with those around us.


1. Law of Proximity

The Law of Proximity is one of the principles of social psychology. It states that people are more likely to be attracted geographically to those closest to them. This includes attractive people, as proximity can increase feelings of attraction toward them.


The law of proximity has been studied extensively by social psychologists and found to have a powerful influence on how people form relationships with each other. It suggests that people are more likely to create connections with those they frequently contact through physical or virtual contact.


The law of proximity can be essential in forming and maintaining relationships. Understanding its principles can help us understand why we may be drawn to specific people or places.


2. Law of Familiarity

The law of familiarity states that people tend to be more attracted to those they are familiar with. This is because understanding can lead to increased physical attractiveness and interpersonal attraction.


Studies have even found this phenomenon in a personality and social psychology journal, which suggests that our relationships are often based on familiarity rather than physical attractiveness.


Psychology Today has written extensively on the topic, noting that understanding can lead to increased intimacy and trust between two individuals. Familiarity can also create a sense of security as we become comfortable with someone.


Ultimately, the law of understanding explains why we often find ourselves drawn to people we know well—they feel safe and familiar.


3. Law of Reciprocity

The Law of Reciprocity is a concept that helps explain the human attraction. It was first proposed by Elaine Walster in 1966 and stated that initial interest is based on the idea that "beautiful is good."


This means that people are more likely to be attracted to someone if they find them physically attractive. However, it also states that physical attractiveness alone isn't enough to form a strong connection with someone. Other factors, such as personality, are needed to arouse feelings of love and passion.


Therefore, the law of reciprocity suggests that a person's overall beauty, both inside and out, can affect how we feel about them. It implies that mutual understanding and respect will lead to stronger bonds than simply relying on physical attractiveness alone.


4. Law of Similarity

The Law of Similarity is a concept used in evolutionary psychology that states that people are more attracted to other people who are similar to themselves. This can be seen in different forms, such as when two people have similar interests or backgrounds.


The law of similarity also suggests that specific characteristics can serve as a stimulus for attraction, and these characteristics can be either physical or psychological. For example, someone may be attracted to another person because they share the same values or beliefs.


Additionally, physical appearance can be a determinant of whether someone finds another person attractive or not. Overall, the Law of Similarity suggests that people tend to gravitate toward those who are like them, and this attraction brings similar-minded individuals together.


5. Law of Physical Attractiveness

The law of physical attractiveness states that attractive people are seen as more favorable than those who are not. Research by Byrne suggests that people prefer to interact with lovely individuals, which is thought to be due to our sense of attraction toward them.


It is further suggested that attractive people are more likely to receive positive responses, such as compliments and assistance, than unattractive people. This law has been found in various contexts, including romantic relationships, job opportunities, and education.


Attractive individuals may also be perceived as more successful and intelligent than their less-attractive counterparts. Ultimately, the Law of Physical Attractiveness suggests that being physically attractive can substantially impact one's life.


6. Law of Contagiousness

The Law of Contagiousness is an essential concept in the world of psychology. It states that a person's behavior or attitude can be influenced by what they observe in others.


This law is especially relevant in communication, as it helps explain why people may be more likely to adopt certain behaviors or attitudes if they have seen them exhibited by someone else. For example, if someone sees their friend laughing at a joke, they may also be more likely to laugh.


The Law of Contagiousness is also important for understanding how emotions can spread between people; if one feels negative, those feelings can often apply to those around them.


7. Law of Association

The Law of Association is a fundamental concept in psychology, which states that people associate objects and ideas. This law has been studied for centuries, with many psychologists believing it plays a vital role in how we learn, remember and think.


For example, when someone sees a particular object, they may automatically associate it with an emotion or memory. Similarly, if someone hears an idea, they may connect it to another idea they had heard before. This associative learning helps us make connections between different concepts and events, allowing us better to understand our environment and the world around us.


In conclusion, the Law of Association plays an essential role in our ability to learn and remember information.


8. Law of Expectancy

The law of expectancy states that people you meet will tend to live up to what you expect from them. This means that if you expect attractive individuals to be friendly and kind, then they will likely respond in kind.


The converse is also true, as those not seen as beautiful may experience a lack of trust or hostility from other people. This can significantly impact how someone interacts with others and how they view themselves. It is important to remember that everyone deserves respect, regardless of physical appearance, and everyone should be given an equal chance at success.


By keeping this in mind, we can create an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable to express themselves freely.


9. Law of Sympathy and Antipathy

The law of Sympathy and Antipathy is a principle that states that an object or person will draw its likeness to itself. Sympathy is the term used to describe the attraction between two similar things, while antipathy is the opposite; it refers to the repulsion between two entities.


This law can be seen throughout nature, such as in magnets, plants, and animals. For example, certain species may attract one another in plants due to their similarities in scent or color. In terms of humans and animals, this law can manifest itself through feelings of empathy or compassion for those who are like us and feelings of aversion towards those who are different from us.


Ultimately, this law is an important reminder that we should strive to treat each other with respect and understanding regardless of our differences.


10. Law of Self-Enhancement

The Law of Self-Enhancement states that people tend to perceive themselves in a favorable light and look for ways to increase their self-esteem.


This psychological phenomenon occurs when an individual is motivated to feel good about themselves and their achievements, resulting in them overestimating or exaggerating their abilities and successes.


Self-enhancement leads people to engage in behaviors like taking credit for other people's work, making excuses for their mistakes, or comparing themselves to others to make themselves feel better.


Through self-enhancement, individuals can protect their self-image and maintain a positive outlook on life.


11. Law Of Nonverbal Communication

Communication is essential in all aspects of life, whether in interpersonal relationships or the workplace. One form of communication often overlooked is nonverbal communication, which includes body language and facial expressions. Nonverbal communication can be used to express feelings and intentions without using words.


'The law of nonverbal communication states that people respond more positively to those who use open, engaged body language and eye contact. This means that people should strive to appear inviting and attentive when communicating with others to receive their message in the most positive way possible. It can also provide insight into a person's true feelings even when they say something different.


In conclusion, nonverbal communication is essential for effective communication and understanding.


12. Law Of Bonding

The Law of Bonding states that the closer two people are, the more interconnected their lives become. This law can be seen in relationships between family members, friends, and couples.


It explains why so many people feel a strong connection to their loved ones and why it is often difficult to separate from them. This law sometimes applies to strangers with a common interest or experience.


When two people bond, it is often because they find similarities or shared values that unite them. The Law of Bonding also explains how two individuals can form an emotional attachment to one another without even realizing it.


This connection can be so strong that it can bring people together in times of difficulty or sorrow.


13. Law Of Social Exchange Theory

The Law of Social Exchange Theory is a sociological concept that states that social relationships are based on rational cost-benefit analysis.


People will engage in relationships or stay in existing ones when the benefits outweigh the costs. For example, suppose someone feels they are getting more out of a relationship in terms of emotional support and companionship than they are putting into it. In that case, they will likely stay in the relationship.


This theory suggests that people make decisions about their relationships based on what is best for them and not necessarily what is best for the other person involved in the relationship.


It also implies that all relationships involve an exchange of some kind, whether physical, emotional, or financial.


14. Law Of Commitment

The Law of Commitment is a powerful tool to help us reach our goals and dreams. It states that when we commit to something, we are more likely to follow through with it.


This law is based on the idea that when we put ourselves in a position where failure is not an option, we will be more likely to take action and persist until our goal is achieved. In other words, committing gives us the motivation and discipline to stay focused on our objectives and achieve them.


The Law of Commitment also teaches us the importance of creating deadlines for ourselves and staying accountable for our actions. It reminds us that making commitments can help us prioritize what's important and keep on track with our plans.


15. Law Of Rejection-Then-Retreat

The Law of Rejection-Then-Retreat is a fundamental principle of negotiation that states that to reach an agreement, you must first reject the offer presented and then retreat with a counteroffer.


The idea behind this law is rejecting an offer. Then retreating allows each party to feel like they have gained something from the negotiation rather than being taken advantage of. This strategy helps to create an atmosphere of compromise and encourages both parties to come to a mutually beneficial solution.


It also allows for some room for negotiation as both sides may be able to find a middle ground when faced with different opinions or interests.


Using the Law of Rejection-Then-Retreat, both parties can walk away feeling satisfied with the outcome, increasing their chances of success.


16. Law Of Scarcity

The Law of Scarcity is an economic principle that states that the availability of a limited resource creates demand for that resource.


The Law of Scarcity works on the idea that people are more likely to act quickly if they believe there is a limited supply of something. This law has been used by businesses to increase demand and sales of their products as they try to make a false sense of scarcity to drive up prices. For example, when a product is advertised as a "limited edition," consumers often urge to buy it before it runs out.


In addition, the concept encourages people to buy more than what they need so that they have enough for future use. It is by creating an air of urgency and competition that businesses can encourage customers to purchase their products at a higher price than what would typically be expected.


17. Law Of Unpredictability

The Law of Unpredictability states that no matter how much we may plan for the future, things can always change and become unpredictable. This law often explains why some events are difficult to predict and why plans often go awry.


Though this law implies that life is unpredictable, it also suggests that with sufficient planning and preparation, one can still be successful in their endeavors despite the unpredictability of life. Even though life may be full of surprises and unexpected turns, the Law of Unpredictability reminds us that we can still achieve our goals through careful planning.


Despite the randomness of life, we can still have a degree of control over our future if we take the necessary steps to prepare for what lies ahead.



The Psychological Laws of Human Attraction are complex and varied, but some common traits draw people to one another.


People tend to be attracted to those who share similar values, beliefs, and interests. They also tend to be drawn toward those who display a good sense of humor, intelligence, and confidence.


Physical attractiveness is also a factor in attraction, as people often feel more comfortable with those who appear attractive. While it's impossible to predict precisely why we are attracted to certain people, understanding the psychological laws of human attraction can help us better appreciate why we feel drawn toward specific individuals.

Mollie Bolton

It's a cat you're looking at here. 'I don't think you do either!' And the moral of that dimly lit corridor, which was right in front of her, was: