Social Commerce - What is it and Why You Should Care

Social Commerce - What is it and Why You Should Care

If you're unfamiliar with "social commerce," we'll explain why you should care.

Social commerce has been around since online social media sites started gaining traction in the late 2000s. Still, within the last few years, more and more major companies have begun integrating social media into their eCommerce plans.

Social commerce has the power to change the way we shop, the way companies market themselves, and even how brands create products in the first place. If you aren't on top of this trend, you need to be — here's why.


Why Do Businesses Need to Start Using Social Commerce?

  • Social commerce is a subset of e-commerce that uses social media platforms to facilitate transactions.
  • Social commerce has recently increased as more people use social media platforms to make purchase decisions.
  • Businesses need to start using social commerce to stay relevant and tap into this growing market.
  • Social commerce allows businesses to build customer relationships and community around their brand.


How Do We Know the Trend Has Legs?

  • There's no doubt that social media has changed the way we interact with each other and consume information.
  • In recent years, we've seen a new phenomenon called social commerce.
  • Social commerce is using social media platforms to facilitate transactions between users.
  • Examples of social commerce platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.
  • While some may think that social commerce is just a fad, there are several reasons why we believe this trend has legs.
  • First, there's a growing trend of people using social media to research products before making a purchase decision.


How can you start using social commerce?

Social commerce is the use of social media to facilitate transactions. This can be anything from buying and selling products on the Facebook Marketplace to leaving reviews on Yelp. If you're not already using social commerce, now is the start.

The beauty of this type of commerce is that it allows for a more interactive experience between brands and consumers.

First, people are becoming increasingly wary about sharing their personal information with large corporations. As such, they turn to other sources for information that feels more trustworthy, such as friends or even strangers they may follow on social media.


3 Things to Consider When Choosing an eCommerce Platform

  • If you want to sell products or services online, you need an e-commerce platform.
  • There are many eCommerce platforms, so choosing one that fits your needs is essential.
  • Some things to consider when choosing an eCommerce platform include cost, ease of use, features, and scalability.


Five Things To Consider When Creating Content For Your Shopify Store

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What type of content will resonate with them?
  • How can you stand out from the competition?
  • What tone should you use?
  • How often should you post?


Conclusion (Social Commerce - What is it and Why You Should Care)

Social commerce is using social media platforms to facilitate transactions between users. Businesses need to start using social interaction to stay relevant and tap into this growing market.

Social commerce allows businesses to build customer relationships and create around their brand. Social commerce is the use of social media to facilitate transactions.

This can be anything from buying and selling products on Facebook Marketplace to leaving reviews on Yelp.

Thomas Kshlerin

"But Mabel must have taken my place!" the pigeon exclaims. "What is the purpose of the small door?" I'll make an effort to express myself.