11 Signs You're In Love With How To Form A Philosophy.

11 Signs You're In Love With How To Form A Philosophy.

A personal philosophy can help you find yourself and your life's purpose. In this article, we will discuss how to create a personal philosophy, where to start, and what you will get out of it.

1. Recognize that you are embarking on a lifelong adventure. Commit to being open-minded and adaptable. Every self-aware individual has a philosophy. Individual ideologies can be straightforward, evolving, or fully established. A personal philosophy is a fundamental and integrated concept of existence and your relationship to all topics that are related to it. Self-awareness, a desire to comprehend, and the willingness and aptitude to study are all necessary for discovering and developing one's philosophy. Dedicate yourself to finding meaning and determining what makes sense. Your goal is to begin a journey of personal development that will evolve and mature as you follow your passion for wisdom (philosophy), which is exactly what philosophy entails.

2. Begin to read and learn. Begin with what you're interested in and work your way up to the broad ideas that philosophers are concerned with. To find coherence and/or reasoning, seek for links between concepts and subjects as you learn. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle; some pieces will fit and others will not.

3. Decide on a philosophy kind. Axiology, ontology, aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, and political theory are only a few of the philosophies that are used to organize philosophical thought. Follow your passions. You can select more than one type if you notice specific connections. You'll have a lot of fun figuring out how to combine them successfully.
Learn the underlying history of your chosen philosophy, including readings by notable philosophers, after you've decided on a philosophy type. Get a strong understanding of the major concepts and the key questions that were addressed. Improve your grasp of other types of ideologies on a fundamental level. You can't be an expert in everything, but you can appreciate the value of knowing the fundamentals of what others have done. It will be easier for you to establish your philosophy if you have a comprehensive awareness of what individuals are battling with and what the talks have been about. Feel free to pick up new information and expand on previous concepts. It's difficult to start from scratch, so why not use the thoughts of another philosopher as a starting point? This is how many well-known philosophers got their start. Plato, for example, took the unquestionably oral and gregarious Socratic technique from the real Socrates and utilized it as the foundation for his highly polished literary Socratic method, which was then adopted by Aristotle to create the basis of Logic, specifically syllogisms.

4. Extend and develop your ideas. The framework you've chosen is a good place to start. Test it out as you go through life to see what works and what doesn't. When you have some free time, go over this and fine-tune your framework philosophy. You will be able to evolve from where you started into something independent of the original concept as you solve challenges and analyze the quality of the judgments you have made through time.

Develop your critical thinking skills. Keep note of where you got the inspiration for your new philosophy's ideas, doctrines, theories, and so on. Being able to trace your theories or findings back to their origins will aid you in defending or advancing your ideas. In a vacuum, very nothing happens.
Referencing what other philosophers have said lends legitimacy to your philosophy by demonstrating your breadth of knowledge and grasp of existing philosophies.

5. Be patient and let your ideas simmer for a while. Analyze the framework of your budding philosophy in your leisure time, and try to uncover issues and solutions. Taking your philosophy's evolution slowly will allow it to evolve into something separate from the initial philosophy.

Maintain a journal and continue to jot down your thoughts and ideas, even if they are disjointed. Patience is necessary since sorting through all of the discarded ideas to unearth the gold hidden beneath them could take years. The passage of time is beneficial because it allows your ideas to evolve and be tested by everyday events.
Inquire about the following: What is the goal of your philosophy? Do you want to apply it to the entire society or just a certain industry?
What part of your philosophy do you play? What, if any, roles do certain persons play in your philosophy?
How will you explain your philosophy's foundation to others? Is it useful in the real world or utopian?

What other belief systems or philosophies do you think complement or contradict your philosophy?
Is it possible for you to create a thesis or a book about your philosophy? Or would you prefer to write stories that contain your philosophy but aren't explicitly structured as a philosophical work?

6. Speak with other people who are interested in philosophy. They might bring out flaws you may have overlooked and offer alternative solutions. This is beneficial to the development of your philosophy.

Join a local philosophy club, chapter, or group.
Join an online community with private forums where you can freely discuss your thoughts and receive feedback.
Ask to speak with philosophy professors at your local university and discuss your ideas with them.
If you come across someone who truly knows where your new ideology is going, appreciate their enthusiasm while keeping your understandings apart from theirs. It's difficult to follow someone else while they're still figuring out what they believe, so their enthusiasm could simply be due to their liking and trust for you.

7. Actively seek out new experiences that will help you see things in new ways and from fresh perspectives.
Maintain an open mind.
Accept criticism and develop from it; it might just help you and your ideology grow stronger.
Always keep a pencil and a notebook on hand to jot down ideas as they come to you or that you come across.

8. Continue to read philosophy. It will allow you to see what other philosophers have tried, what they discovered, and what fallacies they made, allowing you to further your philosophy. This will also assist you in determining whether or not you are attempting anything that has already been attempted by another philosopher.

9. Keep up with what's going on in the world. Once in a while, try reading a newspaper. It will assist you in applying ideas to real-life circumstances.
Take, for example, a significant news item including concerns that affect many different aspects of society and ask yourself, "What would I have done?" Work your replies into your evolving philosophy to determine whether it can withstand real-life situations while still providing explanations, education, or improved knowledge.
10. Whether or whether you work as a philosopher, think of yourself as one.

10. Whether or whether you work as a philosopher, think of yourself as one. A profession in philosophy, or a similar role such as a researcher in a think-tank or institute, will ensure that you devote regular time to your philosophy, but if you're a part-time philosopher, make sure you devote enough time to it so you can continue to improve and don't forget portions of your work.

11. Attempt to live up to your thoughts as much as possible, even if you are experiencing something strange that may cause you to lose track of your thoughts. Return to the notes you created about your philosophy or the books you've been reading for inspiration. It'll be beneficial.

Harvey Wood

The fight began much sooner than she anticipated after catching and returning the flamingo.